“Murphy and Mary,” A Sequence Photographed by Mary Gow Using the Selfissimo App.
From this habit I find something that peeks my attention and inevitably I take notes in my Evernote.
A recent find is well worth sharing!
Google is offering 3 new apps for free including one that allow styling of videos into comic strips. Wow!
This I found out from the article headlined with: “NEW GOOGLE APPS STYLIZE VIDEOS INTO COMIC STRIPS, NIFTY LOOPS,” written by Michael Kan, Dec. 11, 2017 for PC Magazine.*
“On Monday, the company unveiled three new imaging apps that leverage some experimental technology Google has been playing with. Google is calling the software “appsperiments,” which tap into the power of smartphone cameras and computer vision algorithms that can identify objects in a picture.”
The first app called Storyboard is available only on Android phones. Your video will be converted into a single-page comic strip.
“The app automatically selects interesting video frames, lays them out, and applies one of six visual styles,” Google said.
The second app is available on Android and iOS phones. It’ll snap selfies in black and white. The camera will flash when it detects that you’ve stopped moving.
The third app is only available on iOS. This app allows you to go over a video once it’s been shot and pick parts you wish to dramatize by slowing down the play rate.
“Shoot a video in the app and then remix it by scratching it like a DJ,” the company said.
The video can then play in a loop.
We’re living in an incredibly creatively expansive time. The ability to create storyboards using your phone, have your own photo shoot in black and white, create looping videos that can dramatize effects that used to be only available to those with sophisticated equipment.
Now all of this is available with what we carry in our purses and pockets.
These amazing smart phones get smarter every passing day.
Still there’s no replacement for the imagination needed to utilize these tools.
There’s only one YOU in the whole Universe who can create the way you do.
*Source: https://www.pcmag.com/news/357890/new-google-apps-stylize-videos-into-comic-strips-nifty-loop