“Serenity Mountain,” watercolor by Mary Gow
A few days ago, on a whim I decided to bring this painting to the monthly competition of an art club I’m in. It won Third Place.
The following day I found out a photo I submitted to Forum Magazine, a literary journal at City College of San Francisco, was selected for their Fall 2017 edition!
For over two years I’ve been painting almost every single day. I’m noticing some creative shifts by honoring the practice of creating on a regular basis.
Thank you for coming back to read this if you’re a fan of my blog. I appreciate that you’re here.
I’d like to say it doesn’t matter if I win awards or not. I’m not creating in order to win them. In fact my indifference to them makes me wonder if I have a big enough ego to be an “artist.”
It’s not essential that my work appear in museums either.
What matters to me is that my work bring a bit of Light to the world. That what I write/create inspires you or touches you in a way that uplifts you.
When I paint I often have no intent and just being, not preplanning anything. I literally go with the flow, as I did when I created this painting.
I’ve been falling in love with watercolor more and more each day.
The medium is spontaneous. Unlike acrylics, I can’t keep changing it.
I love the time element with watercolors that dry so quickly I cannot ruminate over any placement, any stroke, any color. I must trust my gut. (This is not to say there’s anything “wrong” with methodical plotted out paintings. It’s simply not my style).
Watercolor is easy to paint with, easy to transport, easy to clean up.
Keep the brush moving.
I go with the flow.
Living in the moment.
I’m embracing the Zen of watercolors!