“Be Brave,” by Mary Gow. Calligraphy on color reproduction of painting by Mary Gow.
I blogged about that experience — loving seeing Monica Dengo’s demo I videotaped it and you can see it in this entry: “Sense the Space: Improvise!.” And I had met Mr. Thomas Ingmire briefly in 1996 so it was a thrill to see him and his work there: “Inspiration from the Work of Master Scribe Thomas Ingmire.”
Three years have passed and it’s time for another Friends of Calligraphy members show at the San Francisco Public Library. The Opening Reception for Kalligraphia XIV is 2-4 p.m., Sunday, June 14, sixth floor, Skylight Gallery, 100 Larkin St.
I decided follow my passion for lively lines and became a member of the Friends of Calligraphy. The “Be Brave” image in this blog post isn’t the piece I have in the current show. Drop by if you can and take a look!
The viewing hours are:
Sunday Noon to 5 p.m.
Monday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Tuesday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Friday Noon to 6 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
After the opening reception tomorrow from 2-4 p.m., there’s a full schedule of events at the library this summer that are free and open to the public.
June 20: 2-4 p.m. Gallery Walk & Talk
Meet at Exhibition Entrance, Skylight Gallery, Sixth Floor. Friends of Calligraphy members Georgianna Greenwood, Thomas Ingmire and Chris McDonald will walk through the exhibition and give an overview of the pieces on display.
Calligraphy Demonstrations
Seven Saturdays this summer noted calligraphers will offer demonstrations of calligraphy, materials and methods.
Where: Latino-Hispanic Community Room (lower level), 2-4 p.m.
These demos are free and open to the public.
July 11: Ward Dunham
July 18: Carl Rohrs
Brush versus Pen
July 25: Georgianna Greenwood
Roman & Celts: Early Book Scripts
August 1: International Talents from Passionate Pen
Gemma Black
Words are more than ink on a page
Pat Blair
Letters and Petals: Copperplate, Flourishing & Painted Petals
Monica Dengo
Intercultural Calligraphy
Suzanne Moore
Finesse: Detailing the Zero Edition with Pigment and Leaf
Carol Pallesen
Lots of Boxes
Marcy Robinson
Simple Marbling Techniques Using Pastels & Shaving Cream
August 8: Judy Detrick
The Men in Tights Who Invented Italic
August 15: Sara Loesch Frank & Evelyn Eldridge
Calligraphy Tools & Materials
August 22: Raoul Martinez
See the San Francisco Public Library’s webpage about Kalligraphia XIV here.
Hope you don’t miss this opportunity to see some exquisite work!