The time is now to begin a project i’ve been thinking about for a while now, I’ve had this idea for a few years and its time has come.

“Heartful #1,” by Mary Gow.
Part of my mission in life is to create work that nurtures and inspires your soul. Serving food for the soul is part of my family’s tradition. I can tell you more about that another time.
I’m feeling the pull now, rising up to meet the moment, the momentum, the positive movement of being called to my calling.
I’m starting up the One Hundred Hearts Project (“OHHP”).
As part of the OHHP I’ll be posting hearts here. I don’t know exactly where this will lead, but I do know I’m feeling called to implement it.
The project will unfold as I go.
Today’s the celebratory DAY ONE! The drawing is done with Autodesk Sketchbook, a wonderful drawing app you can download on your phone for free. Check it out at
“The call to make art is a call to action, belief, commitment, discovery, and engagement and not necessarily in that order.”
― Michele Jennae
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